i've recently seen the movie... the updated version and here is my review....

Reviewer: | (ME) - |
and in the western culture (i suppose especially the US of A)people are just so desensitized and sedated by so called media/entertainment that unless they are slapped in the face with a concept they will never be able to open their minds beyond their narrow points of view. i have watched this movie twice and i did not at one time see it as an infomercial for Ramtha....
this has nothing to do with trying to get someone to follow some Ramtha. what i feel, what i believe the movie is trying to explain is a very basic concept that we create our own lives.
if we insist on feeling victimized and dwelling in negativity we will eventually rewire our brains to expect such, to feel such and to see only such as the state of victimization.... exchange that word and fill in the blanks... whether negative or positive.
if we were brought up in a cruel unloving household...this is what we begin to associate love with... fear with...etc.... but we have to be an observer in order to change it.... we must work at rewiring our brain to not SEE or expect failure, unloving feelings... so on and so forth.
it is basically about the thoughts we allow to persist and insist in our minds. there are an infinite number of possiblities,choices and feelings... but we must choose... choose the positive over the negative... choose blessings over curses.... do you get it??
it boils down to is the glass half empty or is it half full.... if you constantly look at the half empty glass you will be so conditioned to see a half empty glass no matter how full and running over the glass is....
a thousand step journey begins with one....
i recommend this movie to be watched in a group.... people with lots of life experience and people who are young... people who are conformist and people who are free thinkers.... perhaps if this movie is watched in this way with a dialog and discussion afterwards perhaps more people would begin to see what is being presented and understand how to change their own lives and thought processes... and take more control and responsiblity for themselves rather just being tossed to and fro on the waves of emotions....
change your mind change your choices change your choices change your life...
what drama are you/i addicted to??
its not about Ramtha or what ever organisation...
its about LIFE/YOU/I come on... think....
(post-script= most of us are too conditioned to see the reality we think we see that we are afraid to believe that we actually have some sort of control and could change things, if not outside of us at least inside, which by the way some deem more important in the long run....how far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go?)
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